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Now that you have your team created and configured, it's time to start inviting fans (players, parents, coaches and friends)!


This is typically done by sending a message to all of the players/parents/coaches. Below is a template to help you get started with that message - copy it and edit it so it matches the features you plan to use.


​If you have any questions, please reach out - or DM on Instagram @mad_puck_hockey

Quick TipS

​Some quick tips in setting up Mad Puck before you send out the invite message:


  • Add/Import all the players before you send the invite out to make it faster when you start getting approvals

  • Add fans in order of importance to make approvals easier. Start with your coaching staff, then add parents/players and then invite friends once all the parents/players have joined.

  • Add your games and practices so when players start joining they can see the schedule right away. The best way to manage your schedule is to enable the 'Calendar sync' feature and specify a iCal URL in the team settings. Mad Puck supports syncing events from MBSportsWeb, RAMP, TeamSnap and SportsEngine. If you are using SportsEngine from a website please contact us ( before turning on the CalendarSync feature.

  • Get the team link from the top of the Roster->Fans page. Use the template below to send it around to the team

  • When a player joins a team, assign them the “Player” role only and associate the player created earlier with this fan (aka user)

  • By default, rostered players are present in all games and sub players are absent in all games. If you want players to have to choose "Going/Not Going" for each game, turn on "Start in a 'Have not responded' state" in the team settings.

  • Consider turning on the "See attendance of other players" setting in the team settings screen to allow players to see who is going and who can't make the games.

  • By default, players only have the option to be 'present' or 'absent'. If you want to provide a 'maybe' option, turn on 'Allow tentative attendance status' in the team settings screen.

  • Use the "Send reminder" feature in the game dashboard menu to send game reminders to:

    • All players - will send the reminder to all players that are marked present, tentative or have not yet responded

    • All players needing attendance update - will only send the reminder to players that are tentative or have not yet responded. Use this to bug the players that haven't responded yet as you get closer to the game.

  • Use Mad Puck Chats to send game reminders, bug players to send in their payments, or just chat about the upcoming game!

email template

Send an email to your team, using this template to introduce them to Mad Puck.


Replace <Team Name> with the team name you created in Mad Puck.

Replace <Team Link> with the link to join the team which can be found at the top of the Fans screen.

Hi team,


This year we will be using Mad Puck for team management.


The app is a free download from the Google Play and Apple App stores. Just click on this link and it will take you to download the app and send in a request to join the team after the download (if not just click on the link again after). I'll have to approve you joining the team.


[UPDATE]Click this link to join the team "<Team Name>" on Mad Puck: <Team Link>


How Mad Puck Works:



Use the Mad Puck schedule to see upcoming games and practices, update your attendance and see how early you need to arrive for events. The schedule is automatically synced from the team website several times a day.



[REMOVE ME - Choose "OPTION 1" or "OPTION 2" below based on how you have configured attendance - remove the other option.]

[OPTION 1- If the team setting "Start in a 'Have not responded' state" is OFF (so players are assumed to be present by default)]

If you can make the next event (game or practice), you do nothing.

If you can't make an event, please do the following ASAP - do not wait until an hour before the event.  

  • Open Mad Puck

  • Check that “<Team Name>” is selected in the title bar, if not click on the title bar to change teams.

  • Select the “Schedule” tab from the bottom of the screen.

  • Find the game you cannot attend.

  • Click the attendance icon on the right (green check mark)

  • Click "No" and choose the reason

[OPTION 2 - If the team setting "Start in a 'Have not responded' state" is ON (so players must update attendance for each game)]

Before the next event (game or practice), you must update attendance, letting me know if you can make it or not:

  • Open Mad Puck

  • Check that “<Team Name>” is selected in the title bar, if not click on the title bar to change teams.

  • Select the “Schedule” tab from the bottom of the screen.

  • Find the event you want to update.

  • Click the attendance icon on the right (grey question mark)

  • Click "Yes/No/Maybe". If you selected "No" choose the reason.


[REMOVE ME - If the setting 'Allow tentative attendance status' is OFF (which is default), remove the "Maybe" choice from the last step above]


[REMOVE ME - Choose either 'Stats - Minor hockey' or 'Stats - Adult hockey' and remove the other section.]


Stats - Minor hockey

Parents work together to enter plays during the game. We can have upto 7 parents working together so each person only has to enter a small number of events and can still enjoy watching the game. Game roles include: time, faceoffs, shots for, shots against, hits/blocks/turnovers, goals and penalties.

All the stats and plays entered during a game are tabulated in real-time, giving our team an instant analytical advantage. We can view individual game stats, cumulative season stats, and splits, all generated from the crowdsourced data we collect during each game.

Please contact me if you would like to help enter game events or lead our stats team.


Stats - Adult hockey


Players can work together on the bench to enter plays (stats) during the game. Mad Puck supports many stats (faceoffs, shots, blocks, turnovers, etc.), but for our league we will only be entering goals, assists and shots.  Please contact me if you would like to help enter game events.

Follow live play-by-play

As we track the game at the rink, Mad Puck will automatically generate a live play-by-play feed to display all the action as it happens for our fans to see. The feed includes a scoreboard with a live score, time and stats.


[REMOVE ME - Update the play-by-play section to remove things you are not tracking.]

Forward the link above to grandparents and friends that are interested in following along with the games and cheering on the team. You can also share the link directly from the top of the "Fans" section of Mad Puck.


We can use the Mad Puck chats feature for 1:1 chats or group chats. Group chats can be setup using individual fans, with roles (for example parents, coaches, players) or a combination of the two.

Make sure you have notifications turned on so you don't miss game notifications or chat messages.


I will send around game reminders and general team information using the Mad Puck Chat feature.



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